Commercial Video Shoot at Oxbow Park

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April 1st, 2019: Oxbow Park, Oregon


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It’s spring TV Commercial time! 🎬 It’s that time for new content so we hauled five trailers to Oxbow Park for filming. What a beautiful park!! Have any of you camped there?

We saw curious deer that lingered about, beautiful views close to the river, and dense woods that glowed when the sun shined through. 🐦🦌🌲

Charlton Marketing and the film crew Picture This Production Services and Stage worked tirelessly to not only film drive by videos, interior panning shots, but also lifestyle videos of a camp scene for us! We are very excited to see the end result and see it air on TV.

We even had our best actress “Ruger” along to star as “lead camp dog”! Even though she didn’t have her own makeup trailer (this time!) to rest between filming, she did have her own truck cab or truck box to hang out in all to herself. 😉


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We had a full day of shooting RV interiors, truck and trailer drive by videos, and even a camp scene for our Spring commercials!

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What a day!

Oxbow Park staff was very accommodating and helped to assist our film crew with our location changes and access on the day of filming. We were very impressed and the views were wonderful!

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