More Good Day Oregon Video Shoot

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KPTV: More Good Day Oregon


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Today we were filmed by KPTV for Good Day Oregon @ Dabney State Park. We are very excited for this segment with Molly and Todd to air soon about camping and “glamping” in the Pacific Northwest! We were so lucky to catch a perfectly timed 4 hour break in the weather, as literally 40 minutes before filming we had a total wash out of rain and gloom!

We took our Whitewater Retro 177SE for the glamping segment, a Springdale 282BHWE (manufactured in Pendleton, OR) for off-the-grid camping and year round use which is built to handle our unique climate and a new Cougar Half-Ton 30RLS fifth wheel with the InCommand Control System you can operate with your phone.


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May 10th 2018 – Dabney State Park with KPTV, Charlton Marketing, & Media 272

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Even Miss Ruger, our “Curtis Mascot” and “Media Talent”, did her part for the filming by showing what “fun for the WHOLE family” looks like. Her movie star talent proved top notch as she sat quietly in the shots with Molly and Todd and watched hand signals from her owner Robby to “please” stay put. What a good girl!

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